5 Reasons Why Studying Your MBA Online Could Be Right For You

There’s never been a better time to study an MBA with the accessibility that online study now provides.

In the past, MBA students had no option but to attend lectures and tutorials on campus (and this is certainly still available for those who want this study mode). This usually meant either taking time off work or spending nights and weekends at university.

Now, many MBAs business schools are providing online qualifications and people are finding there are surprising benefits to studying this way.


When you study online, where and when you study is up to you.

Peaks in work volume, special deadlines and business travel can all be accommodated when you can break your study down into small chunks of time (or block out a whole day when it suits you).

You may have heard of heard of working nomads, people who work online and can work from wherever in the world they are. With online study, you can become a “study nomad”. Study in a cafe’, your home office, your hotel room or a meeting room during lunch break – the choices are endless.

Work-Life Balance

Most people who study an MBA have busy careers, often working longer than the elusive 38 hour work week.

On top of that, people have families, friends, sports and activities to juggle. You really don’t want to give up your normal life to obtain your MBA.

The good news is that when you study online, you don’t have to give up these things. It’s just a matter of scheduling your study around your life.

And if something comes up, like an unexpected social event, it’s easy to adjust your routine for the week.

Part-Time Study

Many MBAs are available on a part-time basis which can really ease the pressure for busy professionals….especially those with other commitments such as families.

A part-time study load and an online study mode make for a powerful combination in realistically being able to undertake an MBA without overcommitting yourself.


Some people are concerned that if they study online, they won’t have the same networking opportunities that are a benefit of on-campus MBA study.

Fortunately, the reality is that with online study these days, there are many networking opportunities.

And you’ll likely be making new connections with not just people in your home city but with people in a diverse range of industries across Australia and possibly internationally as well.

These networking opportunities arise as you work with people remotely on team projects, online forums, office hours sessions with lecturers, off-campus events and more.

If networking is important to you, factor this into your research when comparing the many online MBAs available.


Online MBA course design and learning management systems provide resources to support students that may surprise you.

Many people are under the impression that online study is like old-fashioned correspondence study. You envision sitting with books in your study with no one to help you.

In fact, online study now is quite the opposite. Universities provide an interactive suite of tools, videos, tutorials and more to support students.

Many of these offer options to blend solo online activity with interactions with other students and lecturers by phone, skype or forums.

As an online student, you can access the support you need to successfully complete your MBA.

Explore Your Options

To explore the many options for online MBA study, click here.

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